Parenting. Baking. Cooking.

Wednesday, 29 December 2010

Mee Jawa

A Nyonya-inspired noodle soup that is generally served in thick tomato or potato based soup. Mee Jawa Sauce Ingredients: 200gm    Sweet potato 30gm      Prawn paste 20gm      Chili paste 30gm      Meat curry powder 30gm      Onion 20gm      Shallot 20gm      Ginger 20gm      Garlic 15gm      Tamarind Juice (Jus...
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Sunday, 19 December 2010

Moist Blueberry Cupcakes

Recipe from Ingredients List :1 1/4 cups flour3/4 cup sugar (I reduced to 2/3 cup)1 3/4 teaspoons baking powder1/4 teaspoon salt1/3 cup butter1 egg, beaten3/4 cup milk1/2 teaspoon vanilla2/3 cup blueberries1/3 cup chopped unblanched almonds, toasted (I omitted these as I'm baking the cupcake for lil K) Instructions: Sift dry ingredients together to mix well.Cut in the butter until mixture resembles coarse crumbs.Whisk egg vigorously to incorporate air and make the eggs light.Stir in egg, milk and vanilla and combine thoroughly.Add...
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A different ballgame

I have never been an early riser. Except during school days and some occasions or official functions every now and then, when I’m forced to. Even during workdays I get up from the bed around 8.15 a.m. (well it used to be 8.30 a.m. before I had lil K) since my workplace is only 10 minutes away! I woke up early yesterday to a Sunday, cloudy morning (when everyone, well most, is still enjoying their sleep in the nice weather), at 7.30 a.m. mainly to get to the morning market as lil K’s food stash at the babysitter had run out. And partly it’s because of I’ll be having a long busy Sunday ahead of me. So what I did on my Sunday: 7.30...
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Wednesday, 15 December 2010

Melt-in-your-mouth Vanilla Butter Cookies

Recipe adapted from and made some tweaks in between. What You'll Need: 1 cup butter or margerine 3/4 cup sugar (I reduced to 1/2 cup since I didn't want it to be sweet for lil K) 1 egg 1/2 teaspoon vanilla 2 1/2 cups flour (I used 2 3/4 cups because I find the dough too soft to be rolled) 1 teaspoon baking powder 1/2 teaspoon salt  How To: Cream butter or margarine with sugar. Add eggs and vanilla and mix. Add flour, baking powder and salt and mix well. At this point you can either roll out and cut with...
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Thursday, 9 December 2010

Our First Real Parenting Challenge

I have finally had my first real taste of challenge in parenting. Lil K has been more cheeky, curious, mischievous and rebellious than ever. I’m not sure if it’s due to his teething, but he just loves putting stuffs, whatever his hands could get on, into his mouth. In the early days, when we tell him ‘NO’ sternly, he would just stare at us giving the “Puss-in-Boots” eye look. Then after sometime, he couldn’t even be bothered. Eventually, we started telling him ‘NO’ sternly and at the same time hit his hands. Again, he would give...
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Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Butternut Squash Pancake

I had my first attempt in making pancake for lil K on the day off of Awal Muharam. Found this Applesauce Pancake recipe but decided to swap the applesauce to butternut squash puree as I still have some butternut squash in the fridge. Applesauce Pancake Recipe What You'll Need:1 cup flour1 ½ teaspoon baking powder¼ teaspoon salt1 tablespoon melted butter½ cup milk1 beaten egg½ teaspoon vanilla1 ¼ cups applesauce (I swapped them with butternut squash puree) Method: Sift flour, salt and baking powder into a medium mixing bowl. Combine...
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Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Fried Chicken Wings

Tried frying up some chicken wings yesterday for the very first time.  Used Nona Original Recipe Fried Chicken Flour to coat the wings Methods are pretty straight forward. 1) Beat some egg white (I added a dash of salt & pepper to the egg white) to coat the chicken wings. 2) Leave them for about 15 mins. 3) Coat the chicken wings with Nona flour. 4) Heat oil at high flame/heat. *Make sure oil is hot enough before putting in the chicken wings.5) Turn flame/heat to lowest, and put in the chicken wings. 6) Fry till golden brown....
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Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Speedy Milestones after the Big 1

Lil K has been a very slow and steady baby, or should I say a lazy baby when it comes to hitting his milestones. It wasn't something that we would worry about since he's a preemie for a start and we've been told that we should measure his milestones from his EDD instead of his birthdate, but there will always be questions from people "Can he crawl yet?", "Can he stand yet?" , "Can he walk yet?", etc. Of course, we would try to guide him to achieve the milestones, but his learning style is similar to the good old phrase "You can lead a cow to the river bank, you can't force her to drink". A good example is we've...
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Monday, 22 November 2010

A month of books, assignment & a birthday bash!

Just like the title says, November is a month of books, assignment and a birthday bash for me. In the month of November alone, I've bought 2 cookbook magazines by Annabel Karmel from Popular book store, 2 marketing books from, and 7 books (4 marketing related books, 1 cookbook, 1 parenting book, and 1 career improvement book) from the Big Bad Wolf sales held in South City Plaza, Seri Kembangan. Annabel Karmel Family Cookbook Magazine, 2 copies for a total of RM9.90! The 2 books from which cost me a HUGE bomb!...
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Thursday, 18 November 2010

Malaysia On Sales!

Recently, there were links of a few websites being shared on my friends' Facebook pages. And I'm sure there are more similar sites like these. What all of them have in common is, in a nutshell, almost everyday there will be new promotions or discounts being offered - usually from 50% off onwards. Once the minimum quantity of coupons sold for a certain promotion/discount, then the deal is ON. After the deal period has passed, an email will be sent out to confirm on the purchased coupon. If the deal is ON, you can download the coupons for usage. Else,...
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Wednesday, 10 November 2010

It's almost a year being a mom!

9 days left to lil K's big One! Gosh, I just can't believe how time flew by us. Last year at this time, I was still confined to bed rest at home due to placenta praevia and lil K kept kicking/banging/knocking against the placenta till it bled 3 times! First episode was when I was in week 29, 2nd episode in week 31, and the final episode in week 34. Yupe, I was hospitalized thrice due to the bleed, and confined to bed rest for a month! My gynae gave me the green light to return to work in week 33 with the condition that I have...
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Monday, 8 November 2010

Working The Kitchen Out!

Finally did some groceries marketing last weekend coz lil K's food has ran out. Started cooking again yesterday, after resting for almost 2 weeks as the in laws and my parents were in town, and the Mr Hubs has some dinner functions in between - leaving me with more excuse not to cook. :p Anyway, I was feeling very ambitious yesterday - wanting to cook dinner & bake a cake at the same time. So, as soon as I reached home I prepared the soup first (so that it has more than an hour boiling cause for Chinese soups...
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Sunday, 7 November 2010


After much contemplation, I’ve finally made up my mind to restart my blogging activities which I’ve derailed from after my wedding preparations.And having a baby made me even lazier to blog even though I should keep a journal of my journey from being single to married and now into motherhood. Anyway, since I'm picking up blogging again, but I have to say the updates won’t be frequent. It's just at least I have a place to turn to when I want to write in detail of any ups and downs or random thoughts/happenings (besides shouting short messages in FB!). So then, till we meet again....
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