Parenting. Baking. Cooking.

Thursday 9 December 2010

Our First Real Parenting Challenge

I have finally had my first real taste of challenge in parenting. Lil K has been more cheeky, curious, mischievous and rebellious than ever. I’m not sure if it’s due to his teething, but he just loves putting stuffs, whatever his hands could get on, into his mouth. In the early days, when we tell him ‘NO’ sternly, he would just stare at us giving the “Puss-in-Boots” eye look.

Then after sometime, he couldn’t even be bothered. Eventually, we started telling him ‘NO’ sternly and at the same time hit his hands. Again, he would give us the “look” in the beginning. Then it was ‘upgraded’ from the look to showing us the gesture of hitting hands when we tell him ‘NO’. Now, whenever we tell him ‘NO’, he shows his temper by throwing the object, beat his own hands and start ‘scolding’ us in his baby language.

Yesterday, he was really testing out our patience while we were out for dinner. He was trying to get up a little from his high chair to reach for our dishes, though he’s having his biscuits (which he threw onto the floor because he’s more interested in our dishes). So when I told him ‘NO’, he kept hitting the table while staring back at me. I give his hand a hit, and he kept rebelling by hitting the table even harder and then moving on to hitting me. At the corner of my eyes while I was being stern to him and hitting his hand, there were two tables next to us kept looking at our table. I’m not sure if they’re looking at the way I’m hitting lil K on his hands or the fact that lil K is rebelling at us. Sigh. And at that point of time I really had this thought floating over my head: “Now what am I going to do with this child??” Anyway, I chose to ignore him for the moment and carry on with my dinner.

Back at home, hubby surfed the internet and found this:
Scorpio Child

A Scorpio child will usually have a stronger body than the rest of the kids. It is just perfect to support his much stronger will. He will never play or compete just for the heck of it. The aim of winning is always the main reason for it and he will never compromise on this front. He may give in at one point of time, to find some other way through which his victory will be assured. A Scorpio baby has a very hypnotic gaze, under which most of the people feel uncomfortable. So, it is better if you prepare yourself to outstare him every time.

You will have to make him understand that you are the boss of the house and he has to accept the rules you have made. Say it softly but firmly, while staring him down. He will need to be constantly disciplined. You will have to teach him to be considerate towards the weak, inculcate sportsmanship, respect authority and learn to forgive those who hurt him. As per their characteristics profile, Scorpio children are sharp, brave, honest and tend to attract people with their magnetic personality. However, you need to teach them humility before it's too late.

When your Scorpio baby does something wrong, don't shout at him. Learn to say 'No' in a kind, but unyielding manner. Show him that you are stronger than him and only then, will he learn from you. While disciplining him, don't forget to give him love and affection. Just like the other kids, he also needs constant cuddling and pampering. If you fail to do this, he may become too nervous, fearful and fidgety, which is completely opposite to his natural self. His honesty may make him a little blunt and direct and you will need to teach him to sheath his sharp tongue.....
The article does have some point which were spot on! Guess, we'll need to try the "soft approach" and see how it goes. Wish me luck!


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