Parenting. Baking. Cooking.

Monday 8 November 2010

Working The Kitchen Out!

Finally did some groceries marketing last weekend coz lil K's food has ran out. Started cooking again yesterday, after resting for almost 2 weeks as the in laws and my parents were in town, and the Mr Hubs has some dinner functions in between - leaving me with more excuse not to cook. :p

Anyway, I was feeling very ambitious yesterday - wanting to cook dinner & bake a cake at the same time. So, as soon as I reached home I prepared the soup first (so that it has more than an hour boiling cause for Chinese soups the longer it boils, the better it tastes). Next up, was cutting and preparing the ingredients for the dishes and set them aside. Well, it's nothing complicated, it's just some grilled fishes, stir-fry siew pak choy, and steamed tofu with oyster sauce. 
Then, I took out the baking stuffs from the cabinet and started mixing the ingredients. Lucky thing, the Orange Chocolate Marble Cake recipe is an easy and simple one which I found on the net. And while the cake was baking, I returned to finish cooking the remaining dishes. And just when I thought I succeeded in doing both cooking and baking at the same time, I only realised that I've forgotten to cook the rice!! Haih.. what a disappointment! Anyway, I still cook the rice and dinner was delayed by 20 mins, and we still had our dinner before 8pm. :)


250 grams of butter and self-raising flour
4 eggs
Sugar 200 grams (but I reduced to 180 grams)

Method : 
1. Cream sugar and butter till white and fluffy. Add in eggs, one by one. Add in flour.
2. Separate the batter into two portions.


Add the orange rind and juice of one orange (depending on size of orange) and mix.


Add about 100 grams melted cooking chocolate or 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder.

In a suitable size baking tin, drop spoonsful of the chocolate and orange batter. Do not swirl as it will naturally form designs.
*Suitable size baking tin means the quantity of the batter must reach up to half the level of the tin.
Bake in a preheated oven for 45-60 minutes at 180 deg celcius. Leave the cake to cool.

So, here's the end product: 

The cake tasted great, despite the poor presentation (I was lazy to line the tin properly with paper, hence the out of shape cake!)


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