Parenting. Baking. Cooking.

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

The 6th month check point!

Ok, I have to admit that I'm slacking in updating the developments of my two lil pumpkins. Having 2 kiddos is certainly a handful and makes you wonder where on earth did the hours go everyday. In a blink of an eye, my baby K-girl is already 6 months old and it also marked my successful journey on breastfeeding her exclusively too! K-girl is now weighing at a healthy weight of 8kg! *beaming with pride*

This little girl's development is considered relatively faster than K-boy as he was a premature baby. At merely 1.5 months, she is able to hold her head & pushes her upper body up for a good 5 seconds during her tummy time! At 3 months plus, she began to try to roll over but only suceeded 2-3 weeks later, probably due to her heavy bum-bum. Hehe.

And now at 6 months of age, instead of trying to sit supported steadily, she's trying to get herself ready to crawl! I think she's going to skip the whole "learn-to-sit-unsupported-first-then-crawl" part which I am looking forward to so much.

Looks like I'll have to start chasing after the little "rabbit" soon once she finds her newfound freedom.

At 1 month old

Trying to roll over at 3.5 months old

Doing her "yoga" pose at 6 months old

Oh, and did I mention she's sprouting two white pearlies and starting her semi-solids now? More on that later. Gotta clock off now. :)


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