Parenting. Baking. Cooking.

Monday, 27 February 2012

Chinese Sponge Cake (鸡蛋糕)

On and off I've been missing the Chinese Sponge Cake which my late grandma used to make during Chinese New Year and Cheng Beng Festival (The Chinese' all souls' day). And somehow, the ones that I buy outside don't really taste quite the same. So when my friend shared her recipe in her blog, Alesia The Home Cook, I was jumping with joy!

I decided to make Chinese Sponge Cake cuppies as it would be easier for K-boy to hold and the lazy me don't have to cut the cakes prior to bringing them over to the babysitter's place. So, I halved the recipe for this one. For the original recipe, click here.


What You'll Need
3 eggs
130 grams  or 3/4 cup of caster sugar
150 grams or 1 1/4 cup of all purpose flour, sifted twice
63 ml ice cream soda

How To
1. Prepare the steamer or wok while you work on the batter.
2. Beat the eggs and sugar using a hand beater or mixer or a wire whisk until the mixture turns pale and fluffy or double in volume.
3. Divide flour into three portions and fold in the flour alternating with the soda drink, ending with the flour.
4. Pour the batter into the muffin/cake paper cups. Place the cups on a stainless steel/metal dish.
5. Steam on high for 15-20minutes.
6. Leave the cake to cool.

* I have tried replacing ice cream soda with 7-Up before but still ice cream soda wins hands down as it gives the cake a nice fragrant!


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