Parenting. Baking. Cooking.

Thursday, 24 February 2011

The Stork News

We received the stork news on Christmas eve last year. Talking about receiving Christmas present, I think that's the best Christmas present we've received by far. *beams* :)

This time around, the pregnancy journey into the 1st trimester wasn't as smooth as lil K. For at least lil K, I knew what food to avoid and when the sickness usually kicks in. I was feeling much more tired than my first pregnancy, and the dizziness, nausea, and vomiting were kicking in round the clock. There was no way in determining whether I was having morning or evening sickness. And I could be enjoying the food this moment but ending up in the toilet the next. Sigh. Ok, and to complete the pieces of the puzzle, this is the real reason I stopped breastfeeding lil K (not because I'm making plans for no 2). At the escalating rate of my frequent visit to the toilet and the decreasing appetite, I have no choice but to take this step although I was hoping I could breastfeed him till my 2nd trimester, hoping he'd self wean at that time. Anyhow, the sickness are starting to decrease now, although it could still be temperamental occasionally, but it's still better than an everyday event. :p

And I learnt that since I had placenta previa in my previous pregnancy, the risk of recurrence is actually higher. I was kind of worried, cause I've just changed my job and I hope I wouldn't end up in another pregnancy complication. Thankfully, during the last check-up my gynae told me that the placenta position looks very good and there's nothing to be worried of. *phew*

The baby bump showed up a lil bit earlier this time around, but I'm still fitting into my normal pants. No need for maternity pants now at least :p

And oh, I'd be due in August... that's another 5 months to go!


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