Parenting. Baking. Cooking.

Saturday, 10 December 2011

Double Chocolate Cake Loaf

This recipe was adapted from BBC Good Food, my "official" favourite recipe site (ever since I found the yummy New York Cheese Cake recipe from them) as they have loads of yummy tested recipes! Even my hubby commented that this cake is some great stuff! Double Chocolate Cake Loaf Now, here's the recipe: INGREDIENTS * 175g softened butter , plus extra for greasing * 155g caster sugar * 3 eggs * 140g self-raising flour * 1/2 tsp baking powder * 100ml milk * 4 tbsp cocoa powder * 50g plain chocolate chips or chunks Method Heat...
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Sunday, 28 August 2011

Our little princess is finally here!!

Our little princess has decided to make her apperance just 2 days before her estimated due date! It had been a long wait not only for me, but also everyone around me. We have been told to expect a pre-mature birth at week 30 - when i caught some virus from lil K-boy's rotavirus episode which provoked early contractions since then. Baby was already in a nice position, and engaged at that time. While we were praying that she would stay inside until at least 36 weeks, she decided to stay even longer. And by week 37, I'm already feeling awfully...
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Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Moist Butter Orange Cake

Baked a butter orange cake 2 weeks back, and this recipe is another keeper too! Hubby gave another perfect 10 for this one :) Orange Cake Recipe by Amy Beh* 150g butter * 100g castor sugar * Grated rind of 1 orange * 3 eggs * 1 1/2 tbsp freshly squeezed orange juice Sifted *125g self-raising flour * 1/8 tsp baking powder * 1 tsp milk powder Method Ingredients 1. Grease sides and line the base of a 20cm round cake tin with greaseproof paper. Preheat oven at 170C. 2. Cream butter, sugar and orange rind until light and creamy. 3....
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Saturday, 4 June 2011

New York Cheese Cake

Found this recipe online when googl-ing for New York Cheesecake recipe. The 153 reviews of this recipe boast an average rating of 5 stars! So I chose to try this recipe out. No doubt, it does live to the 5 star rating even though I did some minor adjustment to the recipe! My relatives loved it, and hubby even gave a 10 rating for this cake!  INGREDIENTS THE CRUST 85ml butter melted 140g digestive biscuits , made into fine crumbs 1 tbsp granulated / caster sugar THE CHEESECAKE FILLING 3 x 250g...
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Thursday, 21 April 2011

Pink News & Vocabs!

Managed to get off work on time and arrive home early today despite the heavy downpour. Since there's some leisure time till I pick up the lil boy, I thought I'd start catching up with my blogging. First off, it would be the PINK news that we received earlier this month! It was my monthly check-up at week 19. I was initially afraid that my urine test would show that the glucose level is on the high side as I have been taking in a lot of sweet stuffs i.e. chocolates, coke, packet drinks, desserts, etc. Thank god, the test came out clear. *phew~* As the gynae did the routine ultrasound scan, she was commenting that...
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Sunday, 20 March 2011

Someone is 16 months old today!

Just realised that lil K is 16 months old today. Ah... how time flies. In another 8 months, he'd enter the Terrible Two phase. Lately, although he's been real cheeky, but he starts to show response to what we're saying. Well, all the while he understands us, but he just chose not to give any response. We've been telling him that he'd be a big brother soon, and there's a baby in my tummy as soon as we found out we're expecting the second one. At first, he couldn't care less, well, of course he wouldn't when there was no bump to be found! :p But as when the baby bump gets bigger, he seems to show more connection with the...
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Monday, 14 March 2011

Out of Comfort Zone

Haven't been able to blog as frequent as I wanted to lately. What not, when I changed my job or should I say career last month. Had been in the previous company, in which it was the first company i worked for, for the past 7 years. I'd say the last 6.5 years was great.. till i had a jack-a$$ as my superior. Long story short, while he's being a total jerk, but it wasn't entirely him that made me quit. Another opportunity came along, and it's in a whole different industry although marketing related. So, why not? In a nut shell, I've moved from building material industry to a retail marketing consultancy industry. Different...
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Thursday, 24 February 2011

The Stork News

We received the stork news on Christmas eve last year. Talking about receiving Christmas present, I think that's the best Christmas present we've received by far. *beams* :) This time around, the pregnancy journey into the 1st trimester wasn't as smooth as lil K. For at least lil K, I knew what food to avoid and when the sickness usually kicks in. I was feeling much more tired than my first pregnancy, and the dizziness, nausea, and vomiting were kicking in round the clock. There was no way in determining whether I was having morning or evening sickness. And I could be enjoying the food this moment but ending up...
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Monday, 31 January 2011

Milestones @ 14 Months

Lil K's milestones achievement at 14 month old: * Called us 'a-ma' and 'a-pa' * Learnt to stand on his own * Took his first few steps and now started to explore around the house on his own * Climbed the staircase * Climbed onto the sofa * Learnt to get down from our bed safely * Points to the Elmo toy we got him and said "ah-mo" * Throws tantrum (by screaming and knock his head onto the wall/floor/table) to get things done his way..  =.= * Learning to self-feed My lil son is really growing up and I'm starting to miss the baby in him already....
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Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Weaning Journey

I've always wanted to breastfeed lil K for as long as possible - either 2 years or until when I'm pregnant. Of late, and when we're having plans to plan for the 2nd one, I've started reading up articles on breastfeeding during pregnancy. Sure there are lots of mom out there who are able to breastfeed throughout their pregnancy and I'm inspired by them, but a number of questions start popping into my head at the same time. What if lil K doesn't self wean by the time I hit 2nd trimester and my belly starts getting bigger each day? What if the 2nd pregnancy is worse than the 1st i.e. the nausea & vomitting, etc? Will...
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