Parenting. Baking. Cooking.

Monday, 7 May 2012

Bananas and Constipation

All these years we’ve been told by our grandparents/parents/elders that if you have constipation, take bananas or prunes. This remained as a rule of thumb for me, until when I was told that bananas can actually cause constipation in babies / kids. So, when I shared this info with my elders, they went “Really? But we’ve never come across such situations before.” I’ve got to admit, when I shared this info with my family, I didn’t really do much research on it myself as I’ve got this piece of info from my friends...
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Saturday, 5 May 2012

Japanese Cotton Cheesecake

I came across this recipe from The Little Teochew, and I just couldn't resist in baking it after seeing the light and fluffy photos of the cake taken by the writer. To be honest, this is the 2nd time that I'm baking this cake, but yet both results are not up to my expectation. This recipe calls for water bath and since my oven is a tad too small for this, hence the cake got browned before the entire cake was completely cooked. Nevertheless, the cake tastes yummy, and half the cake was gone in just 10 minutes! Perhaps the next round...
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Devil's Food Cake: A Moist Chocolate Cake

A search for a moist chocolate cake recipe is definitely not easy, especially when you have to bake it and test it out for yourself if the moistness claimed is as per what you are expecting it to be. What more, when hubby suggested to have chocolate cake as my mother in law's birthday cake. Pressure is on, and the frantic search began. Tried two recipes but they ended up in a disaster. I was at the verge of giving up till I was browsing through this book, The Modern Baker by Nick Malgieri. I was pretty impressed by the way he put...
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Venturing into Fondant Decorating

For the number of years I've been baking (although I'm still nowhere expert), I've never dressed a cake before. In the recent 2 years, fondant cake decorating has become more and more popular and these cakes don't come cheap. I though instead of buying one, it'll be better if I take a short course on it and decorate the cake myself but I can just never seem to find time for it. As my mom and sister's birthday are drawing near, I thought it will be nice to bake them a nicely decorated cake. So, I googled up and search tutorial...
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