Parenting. Baking. Cooking.

Sunday 28 August 2011

Our little princess is finally here!!

Our little princess has decided to make her apperance just 2 days before her estimated due date! It had been a long wait not only for me, but also everyone around me. We have been told to expect a pre-mature birth at week 30 - when i caught some virus from lil K-boy's rotavirus episode which provoked early contractions since then. Baby was already in a nice position, and engaged at that time. While we were praying that she would stay inside until at least 36 weeks, she decided to stay even longer. And by week 37, I'm already feeling awfully tired by mid-day although people around me kept telling me that I look good despite being heavily pregnant.

I did my routine pre-natal check-up at week 37. Did a CTG monitoring (to monitor baby's heart rate & if there's any contraction) for 30 minutes, and found out that I've been having mild contractions. My gynae did the vaginal examination and found out I was already 1 cm dilated. I was excited by the news, and doctor told me that she's expecting me to deliver within one weeks time as I was to be considered a first timer for natural birth (Kyan was born via c-sec). 7 days came and went by, and yet there's no sign of labour kicking in. :(

Went back for weekly check-up, and found out that I'm still at 1cm dilation only! Bummer. Doctor said, "Well, at least the cervix is softer now. Now question is, what is your plan if the baby is going to go beyond week 40?" To be honest, we were prepared for premature labour only... the thought of having an overdue baby didn't occur to mind at all! I told her we will think about it. Another week camte by and went, and yet there's still no sign of labour. Went for check-up, only to be informed that I dilated another 0.5cm and cervix is much softer compared to previous check-up. Sigh... This time around, my doctor suggested to induce if there's no sign by my EDD and she tentatively made a booking at the labour ward. I was kind of reluctant, as I knew induce is not recommended for VBAC and which means there's a higher chance that I might end up in the OT. However, she did say if I change my mind, I can always call the labour ward to cancel the booking. I went back to the office and started applying for maternity leave, praying hard that this little princess of mine would give me some sign soon and I won't have to waste much of the maternity leaves waiting for her arrival.

I woke up with a start in the wee hours of Sunday morning, which some contraction pain that I've never experienced before. However, it wasn't regular at all. So I just did some breathing exercise to help me get through the pain and I slept back again. In the morning, I saw some bloody show. Boy oh boy! I was excited, but yet I didn't dare to be too exicted as I know there are some mothers who gave birth days only after the show. Well, at least I won't have to be induced :) Contractions weren't frequent/regular as usual and I carried on with my normal Sunday routine. Dinner time came, and the contractions started to get regular but within the span of 15-25 minutes apart. Ooo.. now I'm getting more excited, but I still went out for a nice steamboat dinner with hubby and my in-laws, and continued with some window shopping at 1 Utama after the dinner. Contractions were still the same. My mom-in-law was more worried than I am.. hehe. On the way home, I even asked hubby to stop at McD's for a sundae cone. :p

While waiting for the contractions to be nearer, I decided to watch some TVB series to relax and accompany hubby's who's still working on his office paper works. At 1.30am, I started to feel tired and decided to retire to bed. Half an hour later, suddenly the contractions went from 15 minutes to 5 minutes apart! And the pain was getting more intense. Told my hubby that it's time to check myself into the labour ward.

Once at the labour ward, I was strapped down with the CTG, in which the doctor has previously told me that I would be on continuous monitoring if I opt for VBAC. Therefore, she advised to come-in only when the contractions are 5 mins apart, unless my water bag has ruptured. Luckily although I was in bed with CTG, I was still allowed to change position every now and then - lying on sides and all. The 1st VE came, and I was 2.5cm dilated. The  contraction pain has started to get more intense but the slow and deep breathing still able to get me through the contraction surges. 2 hours later, I was already 5cm dilated and I started to ask for the gas - which I alternate between breathing exercise. Hubby and I even bet on the time we think the lil girl will make her appearance. I remembered I said "I think she'd be out around 5.30 to 6 am". 5:30am came, and I was only 7cm dilated, and I could no longer handle the pain, not even with the gas which I started off with. So I asked for penthidine (still refusing epidural), and that allowed me to doze off in between the minutes of contraction - well actually I'm not too sure if it was the gas that made me drowsy in the first place, or that I'm too tired, or it was the effect of penthidine, or all of the above.

Anyhow, doctor arrived soon after and I was already 8.5-9cm dilated by then and feeling the urge to push the baby out. Yet, I was asked to wait for a full 10cm dilation before pushing. Thank god, I was allowed to push 15 minutes later. The nurses started prepping the bed, by removing the edge part of the bed and propped up two small boards at 45 degree for me to put soles on, 2 small hand bars at the bed side, and putting the bed at 45 degree upright so that I'm at a sitting position. With the guidance of the doctor & midwife, and the support of hubby, baby K-girl was born 30 minutes later!

Finally the long wait is over, and I am glad that I managed to go through natural birth successfully this time, without epidural. And the best part is I was able to craddle K-girl in my arms and breastfeed her immediately after delivery! Best feeling ever!!

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