Parenting. Baking. Cooking.

Monday, 31 January 2011

Milestones @ 14 Months

Lil K's milestones achievement at 14 month old: * Called us 'a-ma' and 'a-pa' * Learnt to stand on his own * Took his first few steps and now started to explore around the house on his own * Climbed the staircase * Climbed onto the sofa * Learnt to get down from our bed safely * Points to the Elmo toy we got him and said "ah-mo" * Throws tantrum (by screaming and knock his head onto the wall/floor/table) to get things done his way..  =.= * Learning to self-feed My lil son is really growing up and I'm starting to miss the baby in him already....
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Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Weaning Journey

I've always wanted to breastfeed lil K for as long as possible - either 2 years or until when I'm pregnant. Of late, and when we're having plans to plan for the 2nd one, I've started reading up articles on breastfeeding during pregnancy. Sure there are lots of mom out there who are able to breastfeed throughout their pregnancy and I'm inspired by them, but a number of questions start popping into my head at the same time. What if lil K doesn't self wean by the time I hit 2nd trimester and my belly starts getting bigger each day? What if the 2nd pregnancy is worse than the 1st i.e. the nausea & vomitting, etc? Will...
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